Behavioural studies of human perception and hand actions

Behavioural studies of human perception and hand actions


We are studying how people use vision to perceive objects in order to perform hand actions (e.g. grasping or tool use).


Both male and female

17 years old to 55 years old

Healthy Volunteers

Who can participate in this study?

You can participate in this study if:
- You are right-handed
- You have normal vision (glasses or contacts are fine) and no history of visual or neurological disorders
- You have no history of "lazy eye" and have normal depth perception

What is involved?

Participants are invited to take part in up to 2 study sessions, with a total time commitment of up to 4 hours, depending on the experiment version you are asked to complete. Participants will be seated at a table while their hand movements and/or eye movements are measured. Participants will either be performing actions (reaching, grasping or tool use) or looking at everyday objects (such as everyday tools like hammers, whisks, and toothbrushes), photos of those same objects, or photos/videos of other people performing simple actions with the same objects. Participants may also be asked to complete personality-based questionnaires following the study.

Principal Investigator & Posting Dates

Principal Investigator: Jody Culham
Study posted on: April 8th, 2019
Recruitment open until:

Who can I contact to learn more about this study?

For more information about this study please contact:

The Culham Lab
Please use "Perception and Action Experiment" in your subject line.



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