Western Interdisciplinary Research Building (WIRB)
Through this study, we are aiming to understand the mental abilities of patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) while watching short movies. Previous research has shown that watching an engaging movie can lead to specific patterns of brain activity that can tell us about the mental abilities of the viewer. In this study, patients with AD, healthy older adults, and healthy young adults, will view short movies while undergoing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) imaging. By investigating differences or similarities in brain activity related to movie-watching in these groups, we can learn about the mental abilities and experiences of patients with AD. Findings from this study may have important practical and ethical implications for the patients’ standard of care and quality of life.

Both male and female
65+ years old
Healthy Volunteers
Who can participate in this study?
- Individuals 65-years-old or older
- No prior history of neurological disease or cognitive impairment
- Normal or corrected-to-normal vision and/or hearing
- Resources to travel to-and-from the testing location
What is involved?
This study involves the collection of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data while viewing short movie clips at the Western Interdisciplinary Research Building (WIRB). The movie clips in this study have been used many times for research in different clinical populations and are not distressing. You will be invited to undergo one fNIRS scan, which is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses light to measure changes in blood flow in the brain. The changes in blood flow, which are captured on a computer, help us understand more about how the brain works. You will be comfortably positioned in an upright position on a chair with the fNIRS cap on your head. The total time of this test will be approximately 60 minutes.
Principal Investigator & Posting Dates
Principal Investigator: Adrian Owen
Study posted on: May 31st, 2023
Recruitment open
Who can I contact to learn more about this study?
Sign Up for Western's Global Cognitive Neuroscience Registry
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