Validation of MRI measurements of whole-brain oxygen extraction by comparison to PET

MRI measurements of OEF

map-marker.pngSt. Joseph's Hospital B5-233c

Despite only comprising 2% of body weight, the brain uses 20% of the oxygen you inhale. Because of its high energy demands, maintaining oxygen consumption is key to maintaining brain health and function. This study is focused on assessing how well oxygen consumption in the brain can be measured by MRI. It will be conducted on a PET/MRI system to compare the MR images of oxygen consumption to those obtained with the gold standard, positron emission tomography (PET).

Healthy adults

Adults 20 to 60 years old

MRI compatible

Who can participate in this study?

Inclusion criteria:
Any healthy normal volunteer between the age of 20 and 60 who is capable of giving informed consent.

Exclusion criteria:
1) Contraindications to MR scanning, such as an aneurysm clip, implanted neural simulator, cardiac pacemaker or autodefibrillator, cochlear implant, ocular bodies (e.g., metal shavings), or insulin pump.
2) Any woman who is pregnant.
3) Any woman of childbearing potential who is not using an effective method of contraception or has an IUID.
4) Allergy to Lidocaine.

What is involved?

The study will be conducted on a hybrid PET/MRI scanner located at St. Josephˇs Healthcare. The PET procedure for validation involves two radioactive tracers to measure brain blood flow and brain oxygen extraction (radiolabelled water and oxygen, respectively). The water is administered intravenous while the oxygen is inhaled via a nasal cannula. Imaging for each tracer takes five minutes during which time the radioactively in the blood is measured by a catheter inserted into a radial artery. The entire procedure is expected to last 60 minutes. This study is designed as a single-visit protocol and does not require any follow-up.

Principal Investigator & Posting Dates

Principal Investigator: Keith St. Lawrence
Study posted on: December 1st, 2024
Recruitment open until: December 1st, 2025

Who can I contact to learn more about this study:

For more information about this study please contact:
Rajwinder Kaur:



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