Studies that can be done from home

Evaluating the effects of meditation on sleep quality and cognition


Meditation is a practice which has gained popularity in the public eye, and many have argued that it can improve sleep quality and cognitive function. This study aims to evaluate these relationships over 8 weeks.


Both male and female

18 years old to 65 years old

Healthy Volunteers


Online Narrative Engagement


We are increasingly turning to interesting stories for entertainment and education, including podcasts, audiobooks, or online education. In this study, we are interested in how children engage with these stories over their duration.


Both male and female

9 years old to 12 years old

Healthy Volunteers


Narrative Abilities and Working Memory

map-marker.pngWestern Elborn College (EC) or Online

Narrative skills are the ability to tell a story. Narrative skills require complex language skills including being able to tell a story that makes sense (also known as coherence) and is grammatically correct (also known as cohesion). Importantly, for school-aged children, narrative skills are critical for later literacy and school achievement. The purpose of this study is to understand how we could promote narrative skills, for example, using different kinds of questions to draw attention to different aspects of the story.


Both male and female

7 years old & 8 years old

Healthy Volunteers