Mood and Eating Patterns in Adults

Mood and Eating Patterns in Adults

map-marker.pngWestern Interdisciplinary Research Building (WIRB)

Do you struggle with out of control eating episodes? The PEAR Lab is looking for female volunteers (aged 18-50 years) who engage in binge eating to participate in a study on mood and eating behaviours.

female silhouette.png


18 to 50 years old

Healthy volunteers including those who Engage in Binge Eating

Who can participate in this study?

We will recruit females who have current binge eating or individuals without a binge eating or eating disorder history. Inclusion criteria for both groups will be female sex (i.e., assigned female at birth), between 18 to 50 years of age, and at least moderate liking of chocolate. All participants must be capable of providing informed consent and have to be fluent in English.

What is involved?

This study involves one 3-hour visit at Western University. Participants will be asked to complete interviews and questionnaires and some behavioral tasks while having their brain activity recorded using a non-invasive procedure called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Monetary compensation will be provided.

Principal Investigator & Posting Dates:

Principal Investigator: Lindsay Bodell
Study posted on: July 20th, 2022
Recruitment open

Who can I contact to learn more about this study?

For more information about this study please contact: or 519-661-2111 x 87316



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