Sensory Processing in development and in autism

Sensory processing in development and in autism

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How we perceive the world greatly impacts how we interact with it. Sensory perception is known to change throughout development and to be different in children with developmental disorders such as autism. This study will explore the developmental trajectory of how we perceive the world, how the development of sensory processing differs in autism, and what the neural underpinnings of this typical and atypical development are.

Please click on "Who can participate in this study?"

Who can participate in this study?

Study 6: Multimodal Emotion Recognition
ADHD participants
Age: Adults 18 to 30 years old
Have a diagnosis of ADHD

Study 7: Multisensory Integration and Theory of Mind
Autistic Participants
Age: Children 6 to 13 years old
Have an autism diagnosis or be the sibling of an austistic child, be a native english speaker, have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing
Non-autistic Participants
Age: Children 6 to 13 years old
Be a native english speaker, have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing

What is involved?

Study 6: Multimodal Emotion Recognition
This study usually requires a 30-minute long online survey which can be completed from home. After the survey, participant will need to come into our lab for a 1.5 hour electroencephalogram (EEG) session. During your EEG session, you’ll be doing an emotion recognition ask while your eye gaze and EEG data are being recorded. Our lab is located on the second floor of Western Interdisciplinary Research Building.

Study 7: Multisensory Integration and Theory of Mind
This study aims to explore a potential link between Theory of Mind—how we understand others' perspectives, beliefs, and intentions, and multisensory integration—how we combine auditory and visual information. The study involves completing online surveys, a theory of mind task, and a few computerized tasks. Parents or caregivers will complete the online surveys. The study will take up to 2 hours to complete at the Western Interdisciplinary Research Building.

Principal Investigator & Posting Dates:

Principal Investigator: Ryan Stevenson
Study posted on: February 23th, 2023
Recruitment open until:
Study 6: Multimodal Emotion Recognition: June 30th, 2025
Study 7: Multisensory Integration and Theory of Mind: August 31st, 2025

Who can I contact to learn more about this study?

For more information about this study please contact:

Study 6: Multimodal Emotion Recognition
To participate, please contact Fan Yang:

Study 7: Multisensory Integration and Theory of Mind
To participate, please contact Leila Moradkhani:


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