Brain Variability in Children with Previous Infantile Hydrocephalus

Brain Variability in Children with Previous Infantile Hydrocephalus

map-marker.pngRobarts Research Institute (RRI)

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the differences in brain networks between healthy children and children who have experienced hydrocephalus as infants.

Children 4 to 13 years old

Healthy volunteers

Fluent in English

Who can participate in this study?

  • Healthy children aged 4 to 13 years
  • Fluent English speaker
  • No metal in body (implants, braces, pacemakers, etc.)

What is involved?

The study will take approximately 3 hours, with: ~1 hr 10 min watching a movie and playing some games in an MRI scanner, and ~1 hr 40 min performing some math and language tasks and computer games.

There is an option for a “mock scanner” for children who are unsure about being in a real MRI, which simulates the MRI environment for a shorter period of time.

Principal Investigator & Posting Dates:

Principal Investigator: Sandrine de Ribaupierre
Study posted on: July 5th, 2019
Recruitment open

Who can I contact to learn more about this study?

For more information about this study please contact:
Derya Adil:



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