Auditory ERPs and Early Language

Auditory ERPs and Early Language

map-marker.pngElborn College (EC)

Proper auditory input during childhood is crucial to the development of high functioning language skills later in life. We are interested in how our brains response to simple tones is related to language skills in childhood.

Children 12 to 62 months old

Healthy volunteers

From English speaking homes

Who can participate in this study?

  • Participants aged 12 to 62 months, specifically:
    • 11 to 13 months
    • 17 to 19 months
    • 23 to 25 months
    • 29 to 31 months
    • 35 to 37 months
    • 47 to 49 months
    • 59 to 61 months
  • Participants must be from English speaking homes, and be normally developing children with normal hearing.

What is involved?

Over the course of a single visit, children will be asked to watch a silent movie while wearing an electrode cap and listening to a repetitive beep for a total of 5 minutes. Then, they will work with caregivers and researchers to complete a series of activities and games related to language skills.

Principal Investigator & Posting Dates

Principal Investigator: Janis Cardy
Study posted on: November 13th, 2019
Recruitment open

Who can I contact to learn more about this study?

For more information about this study please contact:

Alyssa Janes:



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