fMRI and Cognitive Testing in Neurotypical Controls
fMRI and Cognitive Testing in Neurotypical Controls
Robarts Research Institute (RRI)
We are looking for healthy controls to take part in a study of brain imaging and cognition in epilepsy patients! Epilepsy affects one in 100 Canadians and is the second most common nervous system disorder, after stroke. About one-third of patients with epilepsy are considered “refractory” meaning that their seizures are not well-controlled with current medications. These patients generally experiences decreased quality of life, increased unemployment, and comorbid psychiatric illnesses. This study is part of a large program of research that aims to understand common underlying causes of brain dysfunction and develop novel approaches to treatment that might be relevant to epilepsy.
18 to 65 years old
Healthy volunteers
Basic proficiency in English
Who can participate in this study?
Participants must:
- Be 18-65 years old
- Have a basic proficiency in English
- Have normal hearing, have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
- Be able to sit still and maintain focus (with brief breaks every 5-10 minutes) for the duration of the study
- Participants should not be claustrophobic
- Should not have a history of a neurological or otological condition
- Should not have a history of epilepsy or head injury
- Should not be diagnosed with a psychiatric disorders and/or be taking any psychoactive medications
What is involved?
Our study will involve participants providing demographic information as well as information about about their current medications and significant medical problems/conditions. Participants will then undergo an MRI scan while lying very still and watching a brief suspenseful movie. The scan takes just over an hour. After scanning, participants will complete a series of cognitive tests to assess learning, memory, and hearing ability. Lastly, participants will complete several questionnaires related to psychiatric symptomatology, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. The entire study procedure will take place around 3.5-4 hours.
Principal Investigator & Posting Dates:
Principal Investigator: Ingrid Johnsrude
Study posted on: December 12th, 2024
Recruitment open until: October 31st, 2025
Who can I contact to learn more about this study?
For more information about this study please contact:
Hana Abbas/Aditi Nayak:
Sign up to our registry to participate in more studies!
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